Thursday, October 28, 2010

what,where and Bobby P...

whats going on people? here's a quick update on all things lucid...our song "High noon",off the invisible album will be featured on an upcoming mixtape released by indie label Kamikazi Airlines,based out of Long Beach California...If you're not already down with who they are go ahead and fix that...This is the label owned by Dizzy Dustin, one third of Ugly Duckling and you should definitely check them out if for some crazy reason you haven't already...not sure when the release date is but stayed tuned for more details...Lucid Music is excited to take part and you can expect plenty of heat from the rest of the mixtape as
And while we're on the subject of checking things out, is a site for all us b boys and b girls...Lucid Music recently had a few tracks posted on their site( good lookin out La Chinita )...words really can't describe the awesome content they have available...its everything hiphop and as a member of this beautiful culture,you will not be disappointed...
speaking of enjoying this hiphop culture of ours,what better way to do so then by listening to some classic material??...check out Phat Root Radio on every other Thursday for the freshness...If you like mid school early 90's jams as well as new era classics then this is for you...broadcast live and direct and if you tune in tonight you'll hear some Lucid Music as well!!...good lookin out to our homie 5th starts at 10pm...
and finally on a sad note,we just found out that our good friend,Bobby Porter,has passed away.For all y'all involved in the pgh music scene you know him as the frontman for The Short Dark Strangers...He was probably one of the most interesting people I had the pleasure of getting to know...mad talented and a gifted performer...Bobby always believed in us and we performed regularly with him for years...actually it was Bobby and the Strangers who first booked us for the Smiling Moose and 31st Pub back in 2005...He will be missed for sure!!
okay that's it for now,stay lucid...peace!!

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