Sunday, February 14, 2010

upcoming shows

whats up y'all..heres a heads up on a few shows...FEB 25th WRCT 88.3 its a live show..its actually a triangle and rhino live show but we'll be sitting in on a couple of jams...t&r will be covering "threetwenty" and "high noon"...its gonna be live so who knows what will go down but it will def be worth listening to...FEB 27th@ Gooski's with triangle and rhino and pancake...MARCH 22nd@ the shadow lounge we'll be opening up for 2mex..theres an interesting story behind hooking that show up...okay its not so much interesting as it is some drama but whatever...its going down!! noetik and noble destro will also be in the house providing dj support...MARCH 20th@ Howlers coyote cafe with seven years war and...u guessed it triangle and rhino!!...its a trilogy...
after that we got some out of town was supposed to be a two week tour but you know how things go...we're gonna try again in june or so...APRIL 15@ the darkroom in chicago illinois...and finally APRIL 23th@ dubland underground in rochester new come on out to the local shows and if you got any friends in chi town or ny,let em know lucid music's coming through!
also here's the video for "showtime" just in case you haven't seen it..PEACE!!

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